Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kids Fashion Art Project: How to Make a Tiger T-Shirt

It's funny where inspiration comes from.  It's everywhere!! The other day while I was watching one of my daughters practicing her dance number for our local Little Miss Pageant. And I had a thought...the song was Katie Perry's "Roar!" and I thought it would be fun for her to paint her own tiger shirt to wear to her practices. (Tigers are so on trend right now!)

My kids love to create as much as I do! So that's what we did. A quick trip to Wal-Mart for a couple of
 $ 3.00 white T's. (I already had the fabric paint and fabric markers.)

To make one of these you will need:
White T shirt
Fabric Paint, I chose black and gold glitter
Fabric Markers, I used Sharpie brand
Big Black Fabric Marker, (to make most of the stripes)
Parchment paper to line in between the shirts
A picture of a tiger, I pulled up a picture of a tiger on the internet so the kids could see how to color it
A black and white picture off the internet of a tiger that you can trace or just draw your own!

How to do it:
First you need the drawing of the tiger, in black marker and on white paper. This is inserted inside the shirt so you can trace it onto the front of the shirt. I hung mine up in a big window, taped it into place to make the tracing easier. Then once traced I removed the picture. Inserted a piece of parchment paper (to block transfer of paint to back), then we began to color and paint the tiger. Using fabric paint with sponge brushes fabric markers, and then using a set of alphabet templates to spell out the words "ROAR" and "EYE OF THE TIGER" using black fabric paint and sponge brush. When the kids were done with all the coloring, then they sponged gold glitter fabric paint over the whole thing to make it extra sparkly!

Here are some pics from our project:

Shirt hanging in the window to trace the face onto the shirt.
Here's a better pic of seeing the face through the shirt.
Here's the picture I drew working from one I found online, and the orange one is the one I traced onto the shirt. Then it was the kids turn to color and paint!
Adding color.
On the right are the alphabet templates we used for the large lettering, also from Wal-Mart on a previous supplies trip.To use the template just place it down on the shirt where you want it, and using a sponge brush wet with the paint you want, dab the paint on and then carefully remove the template and allow to dry.
When we craft...we all craft!
The kids all had such a great time creating these shirts! (They even made up a silly dance to go with it! If you want to see that you should head over to my Instagram Feed @fancyewe. Do you remember making up silly dances and skits when you were young? Yep, me too! Some of my funniest memories!!)

Hope our creating helps inspire you to create some fun stuff of your own. See ya all later. Love from our little "Patch-A-Heaven!"


  1. Such a cute idea! And I love how the kids get to be so involved in the making of the new shirts! I'm going to try this with my kiddos. You always seem to amaze me!

    1. Hey Heidi,
      Thanks! I bet your kids would dig it too!
      xoxo Kacey
