This is an example of the headbands being offered today. (Color and prints may vary) |
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm not above bribery every once in a while! So having said that, today I'm offering a free headband to anyone that becomes a follower of this blog! This isn't a game show and I won't "get crazy" with the give-aways. But I also like to reward my loyal peeps! So if you want to become a "Fancy Meeting Ewe" follower and get a free headband comment here on this post and send me an email at
fancyewe09@gmail.com to let me know you want a headband. (In the email leave me your name & address for the headband to be sent.) They are all handmade, 100% cotton fabric headbands like the one in the picture. You can see more of these on my website fancyewewearables.com or on Etsy. As for color and fabric prints "ya get what ya get, and ya don't throw a fit!" (I promise they are all cute!) If you already follow this blog and you want a headband please comment and email me and I'll send you one too! Thanks for tuning in and following this "blog of much randomness!" Have a super day!!
Pick me, Pick me! I was just looking at these on the website today! (before you even did this post - and while I should have been working, ssshhh don't tell) I often scroll through your aprons and the cute things you sew for your girls and wish I could sew like you. Love you and your blog!!