Friday, January 4, 2013

Valentine's Day Gift Idea: Fabric Flower Arrangement

I really can't believe that Christmas is over and it's already January. Time flies when you're having fun! We had a great Christmas and New Year at our house, we are truly blessed! Today I was debating on what to share on the blog for Valentine's Day. I have so many ideas to share and here's the one I thought I would start with: A fabric flower arrangement! The fabric flowers are hair accessories that have alligator clips attached to the backs of the flowers.(That's how they are sticking to the sucker sticks) I have made lots and lots of these over the years for people to give as gifts, so I thought I should share. You could make the flowers any color/fabrics you want. With this being a Valentine's Day theme, I went with Valentine's colors. You can also make any type of fabric flower that you like and then put them on long sucker sticks to be arranged in a vase full of your favorite candy and embellish with a bow. All girls (even little ones) love getting flowers on Valentine's Day, why not give them wearable flowers?

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